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(1 edit)

I think there's a bit of an issue when using two copies of schrodinger's cat? It only lets me activate one, even though it shows the other with the shiny frame as if it was activatable. 

Also found out if you activate the ability of Schrodinger's cat and then try to activate Virus ability, it opens the cat, showing an "ability activated" rendering it impossible to use the ability of virus.

Edit: If you try to use virus' ability first, it'll just  trigger Schrodinger's cat ability without sacrificing the Virus. 

Thanks for the great job of reviving this game and for all the job you're putting in!

Deleted 134 days ago

let me know what your username is. I'll get it sorted.

Loved this game back in the day. Very glad to see what your doing!

Ahora el bone wall cada que termina se cierra el juego.... Ojalá lo puedas arreglar...

Ojala y puedas arreglar la carta de bone wall upgrade ya que cuando la pones solo te da una carta de bloqueo en vez de 7


Buenas! Acabo de subir una actualizacion que deberia solucionar ese problema.


The game doesn't save after showing save successful. I can visit oracle for a new card and the card will be disappear after I re-login.

I'm having the same issue.

It seems that the settings save (quickplay, animation speed, etc.)

But the currency, score/win/loss stats, and cards do not save. When I go to the deck selection, it says I have 0/0 cards, so I physically cannot play the game.

I just logged out and logged back in, and now it's making me choose a starting deck again, all of my progress has been lost.

I also can confirm that saving no longer works, at least since Saturday.  Both Firefox and Chrome on Linux show the same issue.

Redeem codes don't seem to be working? I am playing on a phone instead of a computer so it's possible that is the reason tho. Also I LOVE this game so much when flas died I thought this game was just gone so thank you so much for bringing it back

Blessing seems to be bugged when facing level 4 half bloods. Targetability only appears for enemy creatures, not one's own. I was facing Aethis at the time

Are there supposed to be "game sounds" when cards are clicked or creatures attack?

Hey there! There should be, I just uploaded an update that should fix the audio issue.

it seems like shard of patience doesnt work as intended? my opponents creatures are not getting any stronger when they have it on the field


Hey there! Sorry for the late response. Thanks for reporting this! I'm looking into it :)


ooo nostalgia



(1 edit) (+1)

Are you accepting collaborators for upscaling and upgrading art and assets? (Prioritizing the essence, of course)


Of course, I always had the intention of creating "Styles", so that the legacy is always available, but allow for alternate art for cards/background/element icons. Let me know what I can do to help :)

I'm thinking about making a batch of heavily supervised gen ai-assisted reinterpretations. Maybe I can try a couple cards per element, along with every background and miscellaneous effect for you to greenlight?


Definitely, send me message at and I'll share a Drive folder with all the current sprites/card images so you can play around with them :)

Tried out choosing Entropy. What is this strange card named "Card Name", which has 99 copies in the deck? They cannot be removed from the deck. And whenever I got this card in-game the game stops, and I can only exit to the menu... :-(

Sorry about that! I am updating the game now to fix that.

I'm so happy I found this! My brother and I used to play elements together all the time back in the day and I'm ecstatic to see a replacement. Thank you!

This hits me with a lot of nostalgia!

One bug; Dimensional shield doesn't seem to resolve properly and goes into negative turns instead of getting destroyed.

The game doesn't want to load on my laptop or my phone, with me sitting on both for ~30min with only the splashscreen showing. Side effect of the migration?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm so happy to see this, I loved this game way back when. 

Edit: ignore my suggestion, the option was already implemented, and I figured it out. However, I'm encountering a new bug. If I have a devourer, and my opponent has no quantum for it to steal the match freezes.

Will we get this on IOS soon by chance? Remember this from my youth so hoping we will.

Hey! It is on the roadmap. Once the game is more stable. and I have PvP implemented, I plan to release on iOS

I played for several hours the other day and when I logged in today, it lost all of that progress. I go back forth from home PC to work PC. Is there something about cookies or similar that would affect progress? Just trying to figure out how to avoid it in the future if I want to keep playing it. Very frustrating. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. Just a question, are you playing as a guest or did you create an account? If you are using a Guest account, it is most likely a cookies/local web db issue.

I made an account and login with the password everytime. So strange.  : (

Hey, love the work you're doing, and happy to see that you're still working on it. I noticed a bug where spark doesn't do any damage since it disappears after the turn ends. 

Interesting. I'll look into it :) Thanks!

I'm having issues loading, when I create a deck, it just gets stuck in loading and never stops

You have done so much work and looks so much like the original and feel. I made an account easily started did the tutorial and some some of the quests. Although fun there are issues While grinding at level 3 Tried my favorite card combos , anti matter just doesn't work cast it doesn't create the negative damage to heal. Also the scarabs don't add up no matter how many are on the board all stay 2/1 making devour ability useless. Also buying the color mark in bazaar ( I thought it was pillars bought 6 of them put in deck before realizing what the heck happened? lol ) I hope you continue I really love this game I play the original flash game on Flashpoint. I recently 2 weeks ago sent a donation in ( was hoping for code for cards. lol ) I havent heard anything back /shrug

Hey there! I apologize I haven't had any time these past 3 months to work or check in on the game. I hope to have more time in April to pick up on this project again and fix all the bugs that were reported during that time. I will double check that donation you mentioned and make you get a code for that :) thanks for the support!!

Fantastic work. I noticed some cards are still missing from the original. I wish I had some screen shots from the flash version to help out with content for cards. Still love seeing someone give the game a new breath of life.

Hey there! All the cards should be in the game, they might now all work correctly, but I'm working on it :) the only cards that can't be obtained yet are the Shards, but they are available in the Trainer mode for testing. I am currently testing a basic Arena T50 where you can earn shards by winning :)

(2 edits)

Fantastic remake and really appreciate all the help you're giving on Love how faithful you're staying to the original, improving what needs improving, and putting in all the time to dial it in.


Hey, I loved this game back in the day, so I'mreally happy it's back!

Appreciate the mobile port especially, but the font is a little too small and it's too easy to accidentally buy/sell cards, so it would be cool if that got fixed

i appreciate the feedback 😊 will definitely look into a way to fix thag

Hello. The game has a great potential. I loved the detailed info about cards HP and effects. Has to be a lot of logic here. I wonder if you have some scripts to see (Git or something)

5 stars!


Thanks a lot! I do plan on releasing the source code at some point, probably when I'm closer to finishing the game. I will let you know once it's available :)

Nice. I thought this game was dead since a couple of years back. But here it is. Appreciate the initiative!


Ah, man, I love elements. And I love your effert to resurect it. It seems that the end turn doesn't always work for some reason.


Thanks! I appreciate the appreciation. I am actually working on an update for that which I should have up later this week.